Catherine, N.L.A., MacMillan, H., Cullen, A., Zheng, Y., Xie, H., Boyle, M., Sheehan, D., Lever, R., Jack, S. M., Gonzalez, A., Gafni, A., Tonmyr, L., Barr, R., Marcellus, L., Varcoe, C., & Waddell, C. Effectiveness of nurse-home visiting in improving child and maternal outcomes prenatally to age two years: A randomised controlled trial (British Columbia Healthy Connections Project). Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry.
De Rubeis V., Gonzalez A., de Groh M., Jiang Y., Erbas Oz U., Tarride J.E., Basta N.E., Kirkland S., Wolfson C., Griffith L.E., Raina P., Anderson L.N., and the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging (CLSA) Team. Obesity and adverse childhood experiences in relation to stress during the COVID-19 pandemic: An analysis of the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging. International Journal of Obesity. doi: 10.1038/s41366-023-01258-9.
De Rubeis V., Gonzalez A., Tarride J.E., Griffith L.E., Anderson L.N. A longitudinal study evaluating adverse childhood experiences and obesity in adulthood using the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging (CLSA). International Journal of Epidemiology.
England-Mason, G., Andrews, K., Atkinson, L., & Gonzalez, A. Emotion socialization parenting interventions targeting emotional competence in young children: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Clinical Psychology Review. doi: 10.1016/j.cpr.2023.102252.
Joshi D., Aschner A., Atkinson L., Halili-Sychangco D., Duku E., Puffer E.S., Rieder A., Tonmyr L., Gonzalez A. Predictors of harsh parenting practices and inter-partner conflict during the COVID-19 pandemic in Ontario, Canada: a cross-sectional analysis from the Ontario Parent Survey. BMJ Open. PMID: 37640470.
Joshi, D., Gonzalez, A., Li, D. & Raina, R. The association between adverse childhood experiences and epigenetic age acceleration in the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging (CLSA). Aging Cell. 22(2):e13779. doi: 10.1111/acel.13779.
Khoury, J., Atkinson, L., Bennett, T., Jack, S., Raha, S., & Gonzalez, A. Protocol for the COVID-19 Wellbeing and Stress Study: A longitudinal study of parent distress, biological stress, and child biopsychosocial development during the pandemic and beyond. BMJ Open.
Khoury, J., Giles, L., Kaur, H., Johnson, D., Gonzalez, A., & Atkinson, L. Associations between psychological distress and hair cortisol during pregnancy and the early postpartum: A meta-analysis. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 147:105969. doi: 10.1016/j.psyneuen.2022.105969.
Martins Costa, R., Tovo-Rodrigues, L., Oliveira, I., Blumenberg, C., Bertoldi A.D., Silveria, F., Domingues M.R., Silveira, P.T., Gonzalez, A., & Murray, J. Determinants of hair cortisol in preschool children and their mothers: a Brazilian birth cohort study. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 150:
McQuillan K., Yoshida-Montezuma Y., Jambon M., Vanderloo L. M., Gonzalez A., Anderson L. N. (accepted). Physical activity and unexpected weight change in Ontario children and youth during the COVID-19 pandemic: A cross-sectional analysis of the Ontario Parent Survey 2. PLOS ONE.
Mepham J., Nelles-McGee T., Andrews K., Gonzalez A. Exploring the effect of prenatal maternal stress on the microbiomes of mothers and infants: A systematic review. Dev Psychobiol. PMID: 37860905.
Orr, E., Ballantyne, M., Gonzalez, A., & Jack, S.M. Providers’ perspectives of the neonatal intensive care unit context and care provision for adolescent parents: An interpretive description. BMC Pregnancy & Childbirth, 23:259:
Prime, H., Andrews, K. Markwell, A, Gonzalez, A., Janus, M., Tricco, A.C., Bennett, T., & Atkinson, L. Positive parenting and early childhood cognition: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review. doi: 10.1007/s10567-022-00423-2.
Shields, M., Tonmyr, L., Gonzalez, A., Atkinson, L., Blair, D.L., Hovdestad, W., & MacMillan, H.L. Depression, parenting, and the COVID-19 pandemic in Canada. BMJOpen. PMID: 37580094
Zhang, X., Beatty, A., Abela, K., Melo M.F., Kenny, M., Atkinson, L., & Gonzalez, A. Assessing parental emotion regulation in the context of parenting: A systematic review. Developmental Review, 69,
Anderson, L., Yoshida-Montezuma, Y., Jambon, M., Smith, B., Carsley, S., & Gonzalez, A. (2022). Income precarity and child and parent weight change during the COVID-19 pandemic: A cross-sectional analysis of the Ontario Parent Survey. BMJ Nutrition, Prevention & Health. 12(12):e063653. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2022-063653.
Andrews, K., Khoury, J.E., Tiwari, A., Kirupaharan, S., & Gonzalez, A. (2022). Maternal history of child maltreatment and household chaos: Examining the mediating role of maternal and child psychopathology. Child Maltreatment.
Campeau, A., Tanaka, M., McTavish, J., McKee, C., Hovestaad, W., Gonzalez, A., Tonmyr, L., & Gonzalez, A. (2022). Asking youth and adults about child maltreatment: A review of government surveys. BMJOpen.
Dryer, A., Zhang, X., England-Mason, G., Atkinson, L., & Gonzalez, A. (2022). Maternal sensitivity moderates the association between maternal maltreatment history and child executive function. Child Abuse & Neglect.
Gorter, J.W., Fehlings, D., Ferro, M.A., Gonzalez, A., Green, A.D., Hopmans, S.N., McCauley, D., Palisano, R.J., Rosenbaum, P., & Speller, B. (2022). Correlates of Mental Health in Adolescents and Young Adults withCerebral Palsy: A cross-sectional analysis of the MyStory Project. Journal of Clinical Medicine – Clinical Neurology.
Harris, M., MacMillan, H.L., Mepham, J., Joshi, D., Wekerle, C., Atkinson, L., & Gonzalez, A. (2022). Maternal Adverse Childhood Experiences and Child Behavior Problems: Developmental Patterns & Mediation via Maternal Depressive Symptoms. Child Maltreatment. doi: 10.1177/10775595221074364
Khoury, J. E., Atkinson, L., Bennett, T., Jack, S. M., & Gonzalez, A. (2022). Prenatal distress, access to services, and birth outcomes during the COVID-19 pandemic: Findings from a longitudinal study. Early Human Development, 170, 105606.
Khoury, J., Tanaka, M., Kimber, M., MacMillan, H.L., Afifi, T.O., Boyle, M., Duncan, L, Joshi, D., Georgiades, K., & Gonzalez, A. (2022). Examining the unique contributions of parental and youth maltreatment in association with youth mental health problems. Child Abuse & Neglect. 124:105451. doi: 10.1016/j.chiabu.2021.105451
Mathews, B., MacMillan, H. L., Meinck, F., Finkelhor, D., Haslam, D., Tonmyr, L., Gonzalez, A., Afifi, T. O., Scott, J. G., Pacella, R. E., Higgins, D., Thomas, H., Collin-Vézina, D., & Walsh, K. (2022). The ethics of child maltreatment surveys in relation to participant distress: Implications of social science evidence, ethical guidelines, and law. Child Abuse & Neglect, 123, 105424.
Marcellus, L., Tonmyr, L., Jack, S., Gonzalez, A., Sheehan, D., Kurtz-Landy, C., Campbell, K., Catherine, N., MacMillan, H.L., & Waddell, C. (2022). Public health nurses’ perceptions of their interactions with child protection services when supporting socioeconomically disadvantaged young mothers in British Columbia, Canada. Child Abuse & Neglect. 124:105426. doi: 10.1016/j.chiabu.2021.105426.
Mian O, Belsky DW, Cohen AA, Anderson LN, Gonzalez A, Ma J, Sloboda DM, Bowdish DME, and Verschoor CP. (accepted). Associations between Exposure to Adverse Childhood Experiences and Biological Aging: Evidence from the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging. Accepted to Psychoneuroendocrinology.
Orr, E., Ballantyne, M., Gonzalez, A., & Jack, S.M. (2022). Mobilizing forward: An interpretive description of supporting successful neonatal intensive care unit-to-home transitions for adolescent parents. Qualitative Health Research.
Salmon, S., Garces, I., Taillieu, T., Stewart-Tufescu, A., Duncan, L., Fortier, J., Struck, S., Georgiades, K., MacMillan, H.L., Gonzalez, A., & Afifi, T.O. (2022). Adolescent health outcomes: associations with child maltreatment and peer victimization. BMC Public Health. doi: 10.1186/s12889-022-13310-w
Salmon, S., Taillieu, T.L., Stewart-Tufescu, A., MacMillan, H.L., Tonmyr, L., Gonzalez, A., & Afifi, T.O. (2022). Stressors and Symptoms Associated with Adverse Childhood Experiences History during the COVID-19 Pandemic among Older Adolescents and Young Adults in Manitoba, Canada. Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention Canada.
Zhang, X., Jambon, M., Afifi, T.O., Atkinson, L., Bennett, T., Duku, E., Duncan, L., Kimber, M., MacMillan, H.L., & Gonzalez, A. (2022). Mental Health Help-Seeking in Parents During the COVID-19 Pandemic and Trajectories of Depressive and Anxiety Symptoms: Findings from the Ontario Parent Survey. Frontiers in Psychology. .
Acai, A., Gonzalez, A., & Saperson, K., on behalf of the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioural Neurosciences COVID-19 Wellness Working Group. An iterative approach to promoting departmental wellbeing during COVID-19. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice.
Andrews K, Atkinson L, Harris M, Gonzalez A. Examining the effects of household chaos on child executive functions: a meta-analysis. Psychol Bull. 2021;147(1):16-32. PMID: 33151702.
Andrews, K., Dunn, J., Prime, H., Duku, E., Atkinson, L., Tiwari, A., & Gonzalez, A. Effects of household chaos and parental responsiveness on child executive functions: A novel, multi-method approach. BMC Psychology, 9: 147.
Atkinson, L., Joshi, D., Raina, P., Harris, M., Griffith, L.E., MacMillan, H.L., & Gonzalez, A. Social engagement and allostatic load mediate between adverse childhood experiences and multimorbidity in mid to late adulthood: the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging. Psychological Medicine 1–11.
Buchan, C., Whitney, S., Leatherdale, S.T., Mielke, J., Gonzalez, A., & Ferro, M. Brief report: Hair cortisol and health-related quality of life in children with mental disorder. Chronic Stress. doi: 10.1177/24705470211047885.
England-Mason, G., MacMillan, H.L., Atkinson, L., Steiner, M., & Gonzalez, A. Emotion regulation moderates between maternal adverse childhood experiences and change in oxytocin. Archives of Women’s Mental Health. doi: 10.1007/s00737-021-01194-5.
Fortier, J., Stewart-Tufescu, A., Salmon, S., Garces Davila, I., MacMillan, H. L., Gonzalez, A., Matthews, B., Struck, S., Taillieu, T., & Afifi, T.O. What Type of Survey Research Questions are Identified by Adults as Upsetting? A Focus on Child Maltreatment. Child Abuse & Neglect. 109:104764. doi: 10.1016/j.chiabu.2020.104764.
Fortier, J., Stewart-Tufescu, A., Salmon, S., MacMillan, H. L., Gonzalez, A., Kimber, M., Duncan, L., Taillieu, T., Garces Davila, I., Struck, S., & Afifi, T.O. Associations between spanking/slapping and adolescent health and behavioral outcomes. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, doi: 10.1177/07067437211000632
Gonzalez, A., Afifi, T.O., & Tonmyr, L. Completing the picture: a proposed framework for child maltreatment surveillance and research in Canada. Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention in Canada, 41(11):392-397. doi: 10.24095/hpcdp.41.11.07.
Harris, M., Andrews, K., Atkinson, L., Kimber, M., England-Mason, G., & Gonzalez, A. Associations between maternal adverse childhood experiences, executive function and emotional availability in mother-child dyads. Child Abuse & Neglect, 111:104830. doi: 10.1016/j.chiabu.2020.104830. PMID: 33307519
Jack SM, Gonzalez A, Marcellus L, Tonmyr L, Varcoe C, Van Borek N, et al. Public Health Nurses’ Professional Practices to Prevent, Recognize, and Respond to Suspected Child Maltreatment in Home Visiting: An Interpretive Descriptive Study. Glob Qual Nurs Res. 2021;8:2333393621993450. PMID: 33628866
Joshi, D., Gonzalez, A., Duncan, L., Kimber, M., Griffith, L., Vrkljan, B., MacMillan, H.L., McKillop, J., Kates, N., Raina, P. The trajectories of depressive symptoms among working adults during the COVID-19 pandemic: A longitudinal analysis of the InHamilton COVID-19 study. BMC Public Health, 21(1): 1895.doi: 10.1186/s12889-021-11900-8.
Joshi D, Raina P, Tonmyr L, MacMillan HL, Gonzalez A. Prevalence of adverse childhood experiences among individuals aged 45 to 85 years: a cross-sectional analysis of the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging. CMAJ Open. 2021;9(1):E158-e66. PMID: 33653771
Khoury JE, Atkinson L, Bennett T, Jack SM, Gonzalez A. Coping strategies mediate the associations between COVID-19 experiences and mental health outcomes in pregnancy. Arch Womens Ment Health. 2021:1-11. PMID: 34145499
Khoury JE, Atkinson L, Bennett T, Jack SM, Gonzalez A. COVID-19 and mental health during pregnancy: The importance of cognitive appraisal and social support. J Affect Disord. 2021;282:1161-9. PMID: 33601691.
Khoury, J.E, Kaur, H., Gonzalez. A. Parental Mental Health and Hostility Are Associated with Longitudinal Increases in Child Internalizing and Externalizing Problems During COVID-19. Frontiers in Psychology, 12:706168. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.706168.
Levitt, E.E., Amlung, M., Gonzalez, A., Oshri, A., & MacKillop, J. Consistent evidence of an indirect effect for impulsive delay discounting and negative urgency between childhood adversity and adult substance use in two samples. Psychopharmacology, 238(7):2011-2020. doi: 10.1007/s00213-021-05827-6. PMID: 33782722
Mian, O., Belsky, D., Bowdish, D., Andersen, L., Gonzalez, A., Verschoor, C. Associations of Adverse Childhood Experiences with frailty in older adults: A cross-sectional analysis of data from the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging. Gerontology. doi: 10.1159/000520327
Nelles-McGee, T., Khoury, J., Joshi, D., Kenny, M., & Gonzalez, A. Biological Embedding of Child Maltreatment: A Systematic Review of Biomarkers and Resilience in Children and Youth. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy. doi: 10.1037/tra0001162.
Prime, H., Andrews, K., Gonzalez, A., Janus, M., Triocco, A., Bennett, T., & Atkinson, L. The causal influence of responsive parenting behaviour on academic readiness: A protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Systematic Reviews, 10:207. doi: 10.1186/s13643-021-01757-8
Prime, H., Andrews, K., McTavish, J., Bennett, T., Janus, M., & Gonzalez, A. Parent sensitivity interventions to target academic school readiness: A scoping review. Child: Care, Health and Development. 47(1):1-14. doi: 10.1111/cch.12810.
Prime H, Andrews K, McTavish J, Harris M, Janus M, Bennett T, et al. The application of positive parenting interventions to academic school readiness: a scoping review. Child Care Health Dev. 2021;47(1):1-14. PMID: 32959921.
Shields, M., Tonmyr, L., Gonzalez, A., Weeks, M., Park, S.B., Robert, A.M., Blair, D.L., & MacMillan, H.L. Symptoms of major depressive disorder during the COVID-19 pandemic: results from a representative sample of the Canadian population. Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention in Canada, 41(11), 340-358. doi: 10.24095/hpcdp.41.11.04.
Tiwari A, Smith S, Wekerle C, Kimber M, Jack SM, MacMillan H, et al. Trauma services for youth victims of sexual abuse- does one size fit all? A qualitative study among service providers in Ontario, Canada. Child Abuse Negl. 2021;112:104903. PMID: 33412414.
Bouvette-Turcot AA, Fleming AS, Unternaehrer E, Gonzalez A, Atkinson L, Gaudreau H, et al. Maternal symptoms of depression and sensitivity mediate the relation between maternal history of early adversity and her child temperament: the inheritance of circumstance. Dev Psychopathol. 2020;32(2):605-13. PMID: 31156070
Catherine NLA, Boyle M, Zheng Y, McCandless L, Xie H, Lever R, et al. Nurse home visiting and prenatal substance use in a socioeconomically disadvantaged population in British Columbia: analysis of prenatal secondary outcomes in an ongoing randomized controlled trial. CMAJ Open. 2020;8(4):E667-E75. PMID: 33109532.
Catherine NLA, Lever R, Marcellus L, Tallon C, Sheehan D, MacMillan H, et al. Retaining participants in community-based health research: a case example on standardized planning and reporting. Trials. 2020;21(1):393. PMID: 32393334.
England-Mason G, Gonzalez A. Intervening to shape children’s emotion regulation: a review of emotion socialization parenting programs for young children. Emotion. 2020;20(1):98-104. PMID: 31961186.
Ferro MA, Gonzalez A. Hair cortisol concentration mediates the association between parent and child psychopathology. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2020;114:104613. PMID: 32088544
Fortier J, Stewart-Tufescu A, Salmon S, Garces Davila I, MacMillan HL, Gonzalez A, et al. What type of survey research questions are identified by adults as upsetting? A focus on child maltreatment. Child Abuse Negl. 2020;109:104764. PMID: 33038722.
Gonzalez A, MacMillan H, Tanaka M, Jack SM, Tonmyr L. Child Welfare responses linked to subtypes of exposure to intimate partner violence: evidence from the Canadian Incidence Study of reported child abuse and neglect. J Interpers Violence. 2020;35(13-14):2607-23. PMID: 29294723.
Harris M, Andrews K, Gonzalez A, Prime H, Atkinson L. Technology-assisted parenting interventions for families experiencing social disadvantage: a meta-analysis. Prevention Science. 2020(Pagination). PMID: 32415543.
Khoury JE, Jamieson B, Gonzalez A, Atkinson L. Child depressive symptoms: associations with salivary cortisol and alpha amylase in two distinct challenges. Biol Psychol. 2020;149:107808. PMID: 31707039.
Kimber M, Gonzalez A, MacMillan HL. Recognizing and responding to child maltreatment: strategies to apply when delivering family-based treatment for eating disorders. Front Psychiatry. 2020;11:678. PMID: 32754071.
Ludmer Nofech-Mozes JA, Jamieson B, Gonzalez A, Atkinson L. Mother-infant cortisol attunement: Associations with mother-infant attachment disorganization. Dev Psychopathol. 2020;32(1):43-55. PMID: 30636650.
Martins RC, Blumenberg C, Tovo-Rodrigues L, Gonzalez A, Murray J. Effects of parenting interventions on child and caregiver cortisol levels: systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC Psychiatry. 2020;20:370. PMID: 32669084.
McLennan JD, Macmillan HL, Afifi TO, McTavish J, Gonzalez A. Problems with the recommendation to implement ACEs screening. Paediatr Child Health. 2020;25(1):64-5. PMID: 33390738
McTavish JR, Gonzalez A, Santesso N, MacGregor JCD, McKee C, MacMillan HL. Identifying children exposed to maltreatment: a systematic review update. BMC Pediatr. 2020;20(1):113. PMID: 32145740.
Orr E, Ballantyne M, Gonzalez A, Jack SM. The complexity of the NICU-to-home experience for adolescent mothers: meleis’ transitions theory applied. ANS Adv Nurs Sci. 2020;43(4):349-59. PMID: 33136587.
Orr ER, Ballantyne M, Gonzalez A, Jack SM. Visual elicitation: methods for enhancing the quality and depth of interview data in applied qualitative health research. ANS Adv Nurs Sci. 2020;43(3):202-13. PMID: 32732605.
Oshri A, Duprey EK, Liu S, Gonzalez A. ACEs and resilience: methodological and conceptual issues. In: Asmundson JG, Afifi TO, editors. Adverse childhood experiences Using evidence to advance research. San Diego, CA, US: Elsevier Academic Press; US;2020.
Prime H, Wade M, Gonzalez A. The link between maternal and child verbal abilities: an indirect effect through maternal responsiveness. Dev Sci. 2020;23(3):e12907. PMID: 31571333.
Shields M, Tonmyr L, Hovdestad WE, Gonzalez A, MacMillan H. Exposure to family violence from childhood to adulthood. BMC Public Health. 2020;20(1):1673. PMID: 33167904.
Afifi TO, Fortier J, MacMillan HL, Gonzalez A, Kimber M, Georgiades K, et al. Examining the relationships between parent experiences and youth self-reports of slapping/spanking: a population-based cross-sectional study. BMC Public Health. 2019;19(1):1345. PMID: 31640664
Andrews K, Gonzalez A. Contextual risk factors impacting the colonization and development of the intestinal microbiota: Implications for children in low- and middle-income countries. Dev Psychobiol. 2019;61(5):714-28. PMID: 30663777
Campbell KA, MacKinnon K, Dobbins M, Van Borek N, Jack SM. Weathering the rural reality: delivery of the Nurse-Family Partnership home visitation program in rural British Columbia, Canada. BMC Nurs. 2019;18:17. PMID: 31073277
Catherine NLA, Lever R, Sheehan D, Zheng Y, Boyle MH, McCandless L, et al. The British Columbia Healthy Connections Project: findings on socioeconomic disadvantage in early pregnancy. BMC Public Health. 2019;19(1):1161. PMID: 31438906
Cortes N, Guzman-Martinez L, Andrade V, Gonzalez A, Maccioni RB. CDK5: A unique CDK and its multiple roles in the nervous system. J Alzheimers Dis. 2019;68(3):843-55. PMID: 30856110
Gonzalez A, Oshri A. Introduction to the special issue on understanding neurobiological implication of maltreatment: from preschool to emerging adulthood. Child Maltreat. 2019;24(4):335-9. PMID: 31426654
Gonzalez A, Oshri A, Teicher MH, Khan A. Childhood maltreatment, cortical and amygdala morphometry, functional connectivity, laterality, and psychopathology. Child Maltreatment. 2019;24(4):458-65. PMID: 31495193
Kornelsen E, Buchan MC, Gonzalez A, Ferro MA. Hair cortisol concentration and mental disorder in children with chronic physical illness. Chronic Stress (Thousand Oaks). 2019;3:2470547019875116. PMID: 32440601
McLennan JD, MacMillan HL, Afifi TO, McTavish J, Gonzalez A, Waddell C. Routine ACEs screening is NOT recommended. Paediatr Child Health. 2019;24(4):272-3. PMID: 31241059
Nofech-Mozes J, Pereira J, Gonzalez A, Atkinson L. Cortisol secretion moderates the association between mother-infant attachment at 17 months and child behavior at age 5 years. Dev Psychobiol. 2019;61(2):239-53. PMID: 30446993
Rieder AD, Roth SL, Musyimi C, Ndetei D, Sassi RB, Mutiso V, et al. Impact of maternal adverse childhood experiences on child socioemotional function in rural Kenya: mediating role of maternal mental health. Dev Sci. 2019;22(5):e12833. PMID: 30943319
Almanza-Sepulveda ML, Chico E, Gonzalez A, Hall GB, Steiner M, Fleming AS. Executive function in teen and adult women: association with maternal status and early adversity. Dev Psychobiol. 2018;60(7):849-61. PMID: 30043410
Butler A, Van Lieshout RJ, Lipman EL, MacMillan HL, Gonzalez A, Gorter JW, et al. Mental disorder in children with physical conditions: a pilot study. BMJ Open. 2018;8(1):e019011. PMID: 29301763
England-Mason G, Casey R, Ferro M, MacMillan HL, Tonmyr L, Gonzalez A. Child maltreatment and adult multimorbidity: results from the Canadian Community Health Survey. Can J Public Health. 2018;109(4):561-72. PMID: 29981095
England-Mason G, Khoury J, Atkinson L, Hall GB, Gonzalez A. Attentional avoidance of emotional stimuli in postpartum women with childhood history of maltreatment and difficulties with emotion regulation. Emotion. 2018;18(3):424-38. PMID: 29154587
Gonzalez A, Catherine N, Boyle M, Jack SM, Atkinson L, Kobor M, et al. Healthy Foundations Study: a randomised controlled trial to evaluate biological embedding of early-life experiences. BMJ Open. 2018;8(1):e018915. PMID: 29374668
Ludmer JA, Gonzalez A, Kennedy J, Masellis M, Meinz P, Atkinson L. Association between maternal childhood maltreatment and mother-infant attachment disorganization: moderation by maternal oxytocin receptor gene and cortisol secretion. Horm Behav. 2018;102:23-33. PMID: 29673618
Montal V, Vilaplana E, Alcolea D, Pegueroles J, Pasternak O, Gonzalez-Ortiz S, et al. Cortical microstructural changes along the Alzheimer’s disease continuum. Alzheimer’s & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer’s Association. 2018;14(3):340-51. PMID: 29080407
Pereira J, Ludmer JA, Gonzalez A, Atkinson L. Mothers’ personal and interpersonal function as potential mediators between maternal maltreatment history and child behavior problems. Child Maltreatment. 2018;23(2):147-56. PMID: 29034733
Tiwari A, Gonzalez A. Biological alterations affecting risk of adult psychopathology following childhood trauma: a review of sex differences. Clin Psychol Rev. 2018;66:69-79. PMID: 29433843
Villani V, Ludmer J, Gonzalez A, Levitan R, Kennedy J, Masellis M, et al. Dopamine receptor D2 (DRD2), dopamine transporter solute carrier family C6, member 4 (SLC6A3), and catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT) genes as moderators of the relation between maternal history of maltreatment and infant emotion regulation. Dev Psychopathol. 2018;30(2):581-92. PMID: 28803562
Boyle MH, Duncan L, Georgiades K, Bennett K, Gonzalez A, Van Lieshout RJ, et al. Classifying child and adolescent psychiatric disorder by problem checklists and standardized interviews. Int J Methods Psychiatr Res. 2017;26(4):e1544. PMID: 27859934
England-Mason G, Kimber M, Khoury J, Atkinson L, MacMillan H, Gonzalez A. Difficulties with emotion regulation moderate the association between childhood history of maltreatment and cortisol reactivity to psychosocial challenge in postpartum women. Horm Behav. 2017;95:44-56. PMID: 28739247
Ferro MA, Rhodes AE, Kimber M, Duncan L, Boyle MH, Georgiades K, et al. Suicidal behaviour among adolescents and young adults with self-reported chronic illness. The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry / La Revue canadienne de psychiatrie. 2017;62(12):845-53. PMID: 28814100
Ludmer JA, Jamieson B, Gonzalez A, Levitan R, Kennedy J, Villani V, et al. Maternal DRD2, SLC6A3, and OXTR genotypes as potential moderators of the relation between maternal history of care and maternal cortisol secretion in the context of mother-infant separation. Biol Psychol. 2017;129:154-64. PMID: 28890000
Sokolowski HM, Vasquez OE, Unternaehrer E, Sokolowski DJ, Biergans SD, Atkinson L, et al. The Drosophila foraging gene human orthologue PRKG1 predicts individual differences in the effects of early adversity on maternal sensitivity. Cogn Dev. 2017;42:62-73. PMID: 28827895
Catherine NL, Gonzalez A, Boyle M, Sheehan D, Jack SM, Hougham KA, et al. Improving children’s health and development in British Columbia through nurse home visiting: a randomized controlled trial protocol. BMC Health Serv Res. 2016;16(a):349. PMID: 27488474
Drury SS, Sanchez MM, Gonzalez A. When mothering goes awry: challenges and opportunities for utilizing evidence across rodent, nonhuman primate and human studies to better define the biological consequences of negative early caregiving. Horm Behav. 2016;77:182-92. PMID: 26506032
Khoury JE, Gonzalez A, Levitan R, Masellis M, Basile V, Atkinson L. Maternal self-reported depressive symptoms and maternal cortisol levels interact to predict infant cortisol levels. Infant Mental Health Journal. 2016;37(2):125-39. PMID: 26939829
Khoury JE, Gonzalez A, Levitan R, Masellis M, Basile V, Atkinson L. Infant emotion regulation strategy moderates relations between self-reported maternal depressive symptoms and infant HPA activity. Infant and Child Development. 2016;25(1):64-83. PsycNet: 2015-204011-011
Atkinson L, Beitchman J, Gonzalez A, Young A, Wilson B, Escobar M, et al. Cumulative risk, cumulative outcome: a 20-year longitudinal study. PLoS One. 2015;10(6):e0127650. PMID: 26030616
Atkinson L, Gonzalez A, Kashy DA, Basile VS, Masellis M, Pereira J, et al. Maternal sensitivity and infant and mother adrenocortical function across challenges. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2013;38(12):2943-51. PMID: 24007973
Barrett J, Wonch KE, Gonzalez A, Ali N, Steiner M, Hall GB, et al. Maternal affect and quality of parenting experiences are related to amygdala response to infant faces. Soc Neurosci. 2012;7(3):252-68. PMID: 21943083
Chico E, Gonzalez A, Ali N, Steiner M, Fleming AS. Executive function and mothering: challenges faced by teenage mothers. Dev Psychobiol. 2014;56(5):1027-35. PMID: 24523069
Chisholm V, Gonzalez A, Atkinson L. Interpersonal engagement mediates the relation between maternal affect and externalising behaviour in young children with type 1 diabetes. PLoS One. 2014;9(6):e97672. PMID: 24905358
Gonzalez A. The impact of childhood maltreatment on biological systems: implications for clinical interventions. Paediatr Child Health. 2013;18(8):415-8. PMID: 24426793
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