The purpose of the present report is to summarize the findings of our third Ontario Parent Survey (OPS3), a follow-up survey conducted from August 24th to November 9th, 2022, approximately one- and two-years after our first (OPS1; 2020), and second […]
A huge congratulations to our Strong Families doctoral student, Katrina Abela, on being awarded the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) Canada Graduate Scholarship – Doctoral (CGS-D). Katrina is currently working under the supervision of Dr. Andrea Gonzalez within the Department […]
Analyzing the Engagement of Racial and Ethnic Minority Children in Mental Health Services: A Focus on Barriers and Facilitators. The objective of this scoping review was to identify barriers and facilitators related to the engagement of racial and ethnic minority […]
Watch our video on improving engagement on mental health services. PDF Click her for more information […]
Health Equity Impact Assessments (HEIAs) should be conducted prior ti implementing new policy, programming, or initiatives. McMaster’s Offord Centre for Child Studies evaluated two group-based parenting programs to access health equity of caregivers to young children. Conducting a HEIA: ENG […]
The Strong Families lab at McMaster University has developed and will be facilitating psychoeducational stress workshops, ‘DESSERTS spelled backwards is STRESSED, but there’s not much sweet about it!’ that are targeted for children aged 7-12 years. Our goal is to […]